
MouCo PepBert Green Peppercorn Ice Cream

MouCo PepBert Green Peppercorn Ice Cream
MouCo PepBert Green Peppercorn Ice Cream

How did this recipe for MouCo PepBert Green Peppercorn Camembert Ice Cream come about….well…

In the summer of 2023, Japan witnessed an unexpected surge in the popularity of a distinctive ice cream flavor: green peppercorn Camembert. As Nikkei Asia reports, “the combination of creamy Camembert and the piquant kick of green peppercorns created a sensation among Japanese dessert aficionados” Read more about ice cream trends. Inspired by this craze, we’ve crafted a unique recipe using MouCo PepBert cheese, which is renowned for its creamy texture and complex flavor, enhanced by the subtle heat and aromatic, almost citrus-like quality of green peppercorns. This MouCo PepBert Ice Cream introduces a refined twist on a classic dessert, perfect for those who love to explore new culinary territories.

Key Ingredients

  • Whole milk (1 cup)
  • Heavy cream (2 cups)
  • Granulated sugar (3/4 cup)
  • Large egg yolks (4)
  • MouCo PepBert cheese, finely cubed (1 package)
  • Green peppercorns, crushed (1 teaspoon)
  • Vanilla extract (1 teaspoon)

Preparation Steps

  1. Base Preparation:
    • Heat milk, one cup of cream, and sugar in a saucepan until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Temper the Eggs:
    • Whisk yolks and gradually temper with the hot milk mixture.
  3. Custard Cooking:
    • Thicken the mixture on low heat without boiling.
  4. Cheese Incorporation:
    • Mix in MouCo cheese off the heat until melted, add peppercorns and vanilla.
  5. Chilling:
    • Sieve, mix in remaining cream, and refrigerate.
  6. Churning and Freezing:
    • Churn in an ice cream maker and freeze until firm.

Tasting Notes

According to Asahi Shimbun, “the blend of creamy textures with the subtle heat of green peppercorns provides a sophisticated and refreshing twist to traditional ice cream” Explore more here. The MouCo PepBert lends a smooth, creamy base, while the green peppercorns introduce an unexpected yet harmonious kick. This dessert not only aligns with Japan’s latest culinary trends but also presents a lavish treat for the adventurous palate.


Enjoy your homemade MouCo PepBert Green Peppercorn Ice Cream —a true testament to the innovative spirit of Japanese dessert trends!

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