
Wine and Cheese Pairing Starter Guide

Close-up of MouCo Ashley cheese label, showcasing creamy texture.
Close-up of the MouCo Ashley cheese label, highlighting the cheese’s creamy and delectable appearance.

Whether you like beer, wine or food… MouCo Soft-Ripened Cheeses pair beautifully with a variety of your faves!

Check out our Pairing Starter Guide and our Cooking with Wine recommendations below.

Here is a list for all of you who want to try some wine with your cheese, but don’t know exactly what cheese goes with what wine. There are no hard and fast rules that must be strictly observed, but it helps to keep in mind some simple rules of thumb when choosing a wine:

  • The strength of the wine should be roughly equivalent to the strength of the cheese. Strong cheese = strong wine.
  • Cheeses with delicate flavor can be served with a greater number of wines than can strong flavored cheeses.
  • White wine works well with many cheeses.
  • Generally, cheeses and wines from the same area complement each other.

The following table will help you get started, but afterwards, feel free to experiment. The happiest marriages between cheese and wine are often found this way… Happy Tasting!

Wine List with Suggested Cheeses

Type of Wine Examples Cheeses
Light Reds Touraine, Chinon Brillat Savarin, Camembert, Cantal, Comté,Emmenthal, Mimolette, Morbier, Munster, Reblochon, St. Félicien,St. Marcellin, St. Nectaire, St. Maure, Tomme de Savoie
Medium Reds Cote de Beaune, Pomerol, Savigny les Beaune, St. Emilion Beaufort, Brébis, Brie de Meaux, Brillat Savarin, Camembert, Cantal, Chabichou, Chaource, Emmenthal, Langres, Mimolette, Morbier, Pélardon, Pont l’Eveque, Reblochon, Rocamadour, St. Félicien, St. Marcellin, St. Nectaire, Salers, Tomme de Savoie
Strong Reds Gigondas, Cote Rotie, Haut-Médoc, Cahors, Bandol Bleu d’Auvergne, Camembert, Epoisses, Fourme d’Ambert, Langres, Munster, Picodon, Pont l’Eveque, Roquefort, St. Nectaire, Salers
Light Dry Whites Sancerre, Chablis Brillat Savarin, Chabichou, Chaource, Comté, Crottin, Mimolette, Pélardon, Picodon, Puligny St. Pierre, Reblochon, Rocamadour, St. Félicien, St. Maure, Pyramide
Full Bodied Dry Whites Puligny Montrachet, Meursault Beaufort, Brébis, Comté, Crottin, Munster, Picodon, Puligny St. Pierre, Reblochon, St. Marcellin, St. Maure, Salers, Pyramide
Sweet Whites Sauternes, Juraçon, Loupiac Bleu d’Auverne, Roquefort
Rosé Chaource, Comté, Picodon
Champagne Brie, Camembert, Comté, Epoisses, Langres, Reblochon
Beer Camembert, Mimolette, Munster

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